- #mixingtips
- Raphaël Tuor
This week’s mixing tip: How to mix vocals?

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This week's question:
How to mix your vocals?
(question by Siddartha Biswas)
That’s a good question, Broducer!
Here is my recipe (add the plugins in this order)
- Remove everything below 80-100Hz with an equalizer (the noice Fruity Parametric EQ 2, for example).
- Add a “light”compressor with around 2:1 of ratio, compressing all the time the voice is singing. As for all compression, don’t go over 5-6dB of gain reduction!
- Add a de-esser to tame down the harsh high frequencies.
- Add a stronger compressor with a ratio around 4:1, compressing mainly in the loudest parts of the vocal.
- Add some delay (1/4, 1/8 or 2/8 is a noice setting).
- Add some ducked reverb (sidechained reverb) - watch my video tutorial for more info!
- *click* noice.
Furthermore, you can add some chorus to thicken and widen the vocal, and add a compressor with a small amount of wet and high ratio (4:1 or above), and a very high gain reduction (at least 10dB). Adding an harmonic exciter and slight saturation can also help give some edge to the vocal!
Got any question? You can ask me anything in the "BRODUCERS FAMILY" group on Facebook, and I might feature you in this blog!
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